For tsunamis, as for all natural phenomena, a careful analysis of the events that occurred in the past is essential to understand the dynamics of the phenomenon and to develop models and scenarios for risk mitigation related to future events. The analysis of past events allows the realization of catalogs, which represent the first step in the hazard assessment of a region. Usually tsunami databases collect observational and instrumental data and include both general information about the "source" event (e.g. for an earthquake date, time, geographic coordinates, magnitude, intensity) and the description of the effects produced by the tsunami (runup, inundation, sea retreat, tidal records, etc.). A large amount and variety of historical documentary sources are used for the realization of tsunami databases.
In recent decades, the interest of the scientific community in tsunami studies has increased significantly, especially in terms of hazard estimates and risk reduction. The attention of scientists has also been focused on the Euro-Mediterranean area, where tsunami risk has been underestimated for a long time.
In this frame the first unified database of Euro-Mediterranean tsunamis (EMTC) LINK A EMTC, was realized, which includes tsunamis occurred in the entire Mediterranean basin, in the Northeast Atlantic, in the North Sea, in the Marmara and Black Seas. EMTC2.0 is currently available.
In order to make the data related to tsunamis occurred in the Italian area more usable, starting from the analysis of the EMTC2.0 entries, the first database of the effects of tsunamis on the Italian coasts has been realized (ITED - Italian Tsunami Effects Database