Observation Point (OP): place where the tsunami effects were observed/measured.
Place Name (PN): nearest known location to the OP
Run-up: value (in meters) of the maximum run-up observed/measured at the site.
Inundation: value (in meters) of the maximum inundation observed/measured at the site, respect to the usual shoreline.
Local Tsunami Intensity: tsunami intensity at the site, according to both the Sieberg-Ambraseys (S-A) and Papadopoulos-Imamura (P-I) scales (LINK ALLe SCALE).
EMTC2.0 :
Event date: year, month, day, hour of the source event.
Cause: a two-letters code specifying the cause of the tsunami. When the tsunami is directly or indirectly determined by an earthquake, the letter E is used: ER (submarine earthquake), EA (earthquake in land), EL (earthquake landslide -when the earthquake triggered a landslide), ES (earthquake marine slide - when the earthquake triggered a submarine slide). Analogously, letter V is used when the tsunami is directly or indirectly related to volcanic activity: VO (submarine eruption), VA (volcano associated – when the volcano is close to the coast), VL (volcanic landslide – subaerial avalanches on the volcano flanks), VS (volcanic marine slide – submarine avalanches on the volcano flanks). When the tsunami is caused by a gravitational instability not amenable to earthquakes or volcanic activity, the letter G is used: GL (gravitational landslide), GS (gravitational marine slide), GA (gravitational snow avalanche). The code UN (unknown cause) is used when the tsunami cause is unknown.
Event intensity: maximum tsunami intensity, according to (S-A) e (P-I) scales.
Observed effects: detailed description of the tsunami effects observed at the site.