Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue (EMTC V2)
Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue WFS (EMTC V2)
EMTC_v2 is a collection of 294 tsunamis, classified by the generating cause (earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides) and provides, for each event, a general description of the tsunami as a whole, related parameters and bibliographic references. A parameter indicating the event reliability has been assigned to each record based on several factors such as the quality of the information available on the cause of the tsunami, the accuracy of the description of the effects of the tsunami, and the quality of bibliographic sources available (whether coeval or not). See EMTC v2 table parameters
Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue WMS (EMTC V2)
The WMS service provides a raster image of the EMTCv2.0 database classified by generating cause classified by the generating cause (earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides).
EMTC v2 is available via the following web services
- OGC WFS, Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service
- OGC WMS, Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service
Italian Tsunami Effects Database (ITED V1)
Italian Tsunami Effects Database - Tsunami Observation Points WFS (ITED V1)
ITED_v1 provides details on the effects of tsunamis observed/measured in different Observation Points (OP) geographically located along the coasts. In some cases, when the OPs cannot be associated with a point of known coordinates, the coordinates of the nearest known location, called Place Name (PN), are reported. When effect descriptions are very detailed, it is possible to identify multiple observation points (OPs) related to the same PN. See ITED v1 table parameters
Italian Tsunami Effects Database - Tsunami Observation Points WMS (ITED V1)
The WMS service allows the user to visualize an image of the ITEDv1.0 database that can be classified by the Sieberg-Ambraseys intensity scale, the observed inundation value or the observed run-up value by choosing the following available styles:
ITED_v1_int_sa (classified by the Sieberg-Ambraseys intensity scale)
ITED_v1_inund (classified by the observed inundation value)
ITED_v1_runup (classified by the observed run-up value)
Italian Tsunami Effects Database - Tsunami History WFS (ITED V1)
ITED_v1_localities provides the tsunami intensity distribution along time (tsunami-history) for some localities (Place Name, PN), as well as a summary of all the Observation Points OP found nearby the PN during the time-span covered by the ITED database. See ITED v1 table parameters
ITED v1 is available via the following web services
- OGC WFS, Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service
- OGC WMS, Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service